Wednesday, December 16, 2009

First Haircut in Taiwan

Being out of your comfort zone provides you with a sense of adventure, the willingness to try things you would not normally try at home. Example in point - haircut... I know I don't wear bangs well. I have tried them a few times in my life, once as a child and maybe once as an experimenting twenty something. Each time resulting in not the best results. So, I should know better! Well, put me in a new country where I don't speak the language and am adjusting to a new culture with two toddlers and you're bound to have a few bumps along the way.

So, the haircut saga continues. Before leaving the States eight days ago, I knew I needed a haircut. But, with all the packing and de-cluttering of the house and the allure of cheap labor overseas, I decided to put off the much needed chore. Once in Taiwan, the discomfort of the high humidity levels (77%) in a subtropical country left me very ready for a haircut. So, without delay, I went with Mom to her salon and just desired to have inches off. What started out as a simple layered bob turned into the dreaded bangs with a two hour straightening process to go along with it. My 300NT ($10) haircut turned out to be a 2000NT ($60) haircut. It was not so much the sticker shock as the bang shock. I am not sure what happened. It started with yi dian dian (a little) here, then yi dian dian there and before I knew it, I was in full on bangs territory! So, I came out of the salon with bangs and limp hair from the straightening process. The limp hair will hopefully be remedied in a few days when I can shampoo and the bangs... well thankfully, hair does grow!


  1. Hi Lan! Life sounds great for you and your family there despite the bangs! We will miss you while we discuss each storyline and sample the yummy food and drink, all in a deep and thorough manner!! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  2. Hi Lan,this is Sophie. Your life in Taiwan sounds adventurous from the beginning with a "bang"! So glad to know Audry and Chloe enjoy their life too. I am looking forward to your photo postings!

  3. that was the reason why i refused to get a haircut when we were in China last summer. even with dao translating and all, i still am not comfortable. well, hair does grow as you say. and did you get "rebonded"? that's how they call it now in the philippines the straigthening process. well, charge it to experience. i'm sure you're still pretty. i'll call you before we leave. have a merry christmas. love you...

  4. We need a pic :) I'm sure you look beautiful, just not what you're used to!

  5. Thanks ladies! I debated over posting a before and after shot, but I can hardly get use to it in real life... I am not sure I want to see it in the virtual world :)
    Hi Sophie! - Michael posted some pictures on Facebook. I will try to send it to your email.
    Merry Christmas! miss you guys!

  6. Nice play on words Sophie and smart choice Regina!

  7. Awhh....I am sure that you look adorable. Yes, bangs will grow fast. Remember when I cut off all my hair???....well, it is now feeling long(er). These are the things that you will remember from your trip. Enjoy the process. Miss you, your smile and your energy. Hugs. Theresa

  8. Thanks Theresa for the encouragement! We miss you and Claire!
