Thursday, March 18, 2010

It Happened!

Just when I think it’s time to head back to Michigan… Chloe starts speaking in full sentences in Chinese!

So we are a little over the half way point in our 6 month stay in Taiwan. The hardest part of our time in Taiwan has been when Michael goes back to the States for a few weeks. So, I decided maybe his next trip back in April, we should all go back together. Why endure another three or so weeks as a single parent. It is mid-March, the weather in Michigan is starting to warm up. And, the weather in Taiwan is starting to heat up. We’ve already had to turn the AC on a few times this month. Summers in Taiwan are very bad – high, high humidity combined with high heat. During the winter months, the thing that kept me going as a single parent was thinking I was dodging the cold winter in Michigan. Now that the snow has melted and the day light savings has sprung in, I was ready for the luxury of having daddy around.

Today, Michael comes home from picking Chloe up from school and tells me that she spoke to her friends in Chinese using full sentences. We saw it coming. The last few days, she had been using more and more Chinese words to express herself. Then all of a sudden – full on sentences. I guess there is no turning back now!

Every so often, we ask the girls how they are enjoying Taiwan and our usual reply is “Taiwan is beautiful… I want to move here when I grow up.” So, the adjustment has been quite okay. They have been going to school and interacting well with their classmates. The children speak to the girls in Chinese and our girls speak to them in English. Play is a universal language and somehow, the children are able to completely understand each other. The girls have played pretend doctor and patient, built toy glasses and played dress up together each speaking their own languages. It’s been pretty neat to see the girls enjoy their overseas adventure as much as they do and now to see them pick the language so quickly and effortlessly is amazing.


  1. This is wonderful, wonderful news!! The warm winter in Taiwan is a nice perk, but this is really why you are there for so long! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you and for Chloe!!

  2. Thanks Sophie!!! Hopefully, all our girls will speak Chinese to each other, we could probably start a traditional class at Chinese school this fall with all the girls!

  3. What a beautiful sight that would be!! There is talk about having a traditional Chinese class at the Chinese school for little kids next school year. (One or two new little kids would like to be in a traditional class. They will join the school in the fall.)Now that we have Audry and Chloe, I think there are enough kids to open the beginning traditional class! Hooray!!!

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